samedi 1 septembre 2012

Mẫu thư gởi cho các Tổ Chức Quốc Tế : Stop Communist Police Killing Vietnamese Civilians

Stop Communist Police Killing Vietnamese Civilians

From: (địa chỉ của bạn)
Nguyễn Văn A
2515 S. King Road
San Jose, Ca 95251

To: (tên và địa chỉ người bạn gởi)
Editor of San Jose Mercury News

Dear Editor (Senator, Representative, Mr. President…) of ____________________

I would like to send you the horrific picture of a healthy Vietnamese people, entering the communist police station in Vietnam, but when it came out as a body without a soul with the wounds that we can not imagine.

This picture was posted on Lao Dong Newspaper on 09/01/2012 (

We hope that after you have seen this picture, please spread the word to everyone in the world, and use your voice to be able to stop the violent actions of the communist police in Vietnam in the future. In the past, Vietnamese communist police have been killing innocent people in Vietnam are named:

1) Nguyễn Quốc Bảo was killed on 1/21/2010 by police of District Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội City
2) Võ Văn Khánh was killed on 5/7/2010 by police of District Điện Bàn, Province Quảng Nam
3) Lê Xuân Dũng was killed on 5/25/2010 by police of Huyện Nghi Sơn, Province Thanh Hóa
4) Lê Hữu Nam was killed on 5/25/2010 by police of Huyện Nghi Sơn, Province Thanh Hóa
5) Vũ Văn Hiền was killed on 6/29/2010 by police of District Đại Từ, Province Thái Nguyên
6) Nguyễn Văn Khương was killed on 7/23/2010 by police of District Tân Yên, Province Bắc Giang
7) Đặng Văn Đen was killed on 12/17/2010 by police of District Mỹ Bình, Province An Giang
8) Trịnh Xuân Tùng was killed on 2/28/2011 by police of District Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội City
9) Nguyễn Công Nhựt was killed on 4/25/2011 by police of District Bến Cát, Province Bình Dương
10) Nguyễn Mậu Thuận was killed on 8/30/2012 by police District Đông Anh, Hà Nội City

Stop Communist Police Killing Vietnamese Civilians

Sincerely yours,
Nguyễn Văn A

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